extreme makeover PROCESS

Fred was making an extreme life change and wanted professional help transforming from his construction worker look, to returning to being a business man. Also he needed a competent and credible image so he could make a court appearance and talk to bankers.

Grooming made all the difference — with a fresh hairstyle and removal of facial hair, Fred immediately looked 10 years younger, more trustworthy, and his handsome features came shining through. Then in a quick shopping session, we pulled together both casual and business outfits so that he had a simple but effective wardrobe that takes him anywhere.

He reports that ‘looking the part’ was integral to stepping into his new life.

Management Consultant

image makeover before


“Not only did Debra help me build a new professional wardrobe, she also taught me about the importance of “upper body presence” and how to accentuate my new clothes with essential pieces of jewelry. With Debra’s assistance, I now have an affordable jewelry wardrobe that compliments my clothes and makes the right statement.”

— Marcie Davis, Davis Innovations


Married Couple in Santa Fe

“After working with Debra on our wardrobes, we soon sought her art finding services as well because the whole idea for us was overwhelming. When we moved into our new home, Debra was able to locate beautiful paintings, ceramics, and sculpture that were in our limited budget. Her expertise and approach relieved a potentially stressful situation and made it enjoyable. We love our art and our home is as pulled together as we are!”

— Marcie Davis, Franz Freibert and Morgan (painting by Joan Fullerton)

Prosperity Coach and Author


“As a prosperity coach I needed to look powerful, successful and of course, prosperous and Debra quickly showed me the way. Through the right use of color, pattern, styling and accessories—as well as a needed upgrade in quality, I now feel my presence accurately represents who I am. The look we created is definitely the persona I want to put forth to the world and I wasn’t sure how to accomplish. Debra’s keen eye and styling skills also helped me create fabulous photos for my book cover and website, which add the professional touch that has made all the difference. I really “wow” people with my entire presence and I’m a much better shopper to boot.” 

— Joan Sotkin


As seen in The New Mexican Sunday Magazine: All Spiffed Up

3 makeovers


“Each spring, La Fashionaria – Phaedra Haywood — accepts nominations for three makeovers. She enlists the help of an expert stylist (Debra Cox) and takes her makeover winners shopping for new clothes, haircuts and makeup. Hayley: Pulling herself together…she wants to still be young but dress well for work. Mickey: A little more sophisticated…and needs to get rid of that mullet. Marti: Making it all make sense…aiming for a look that’s classic and still fun.” – March 2006 Makeover Issues
image makeovers

I hired Debra in the fall of 2003 for a consultation and have worked with her ever since.  What a surprise! It has been an opportunity for me to express what “I” want to communicate to others by my appearance and Debra has been my guide in advising me how to go about accomplishing that expression. In 2004 we went clothes shopping together. I was amazed at Debra’s suggestions that I NEVER even considered before then. Last year we went shopping for eyeglasses and sunglasses. I bought fun glasses that truly look great on me and changed my previous “safe” look. I can’t believe how many compliments I still get. I no longer regret having to put on my glasses in the morning. Clothes & shoes shopping is big fun now because I am thoughtful about what I buy and more discerning about what fits me and am no longer “just getting by.”

Through shopping trips, workshops and one on one meetings, this transformation has been a gradual process and will continue. My image is changing and I love it. I am such a different observer of myself now–and it is not just me physically–it’s how I notice my world and my place in it. I just recently moved from New Mexico to the East Coast so my next step is to hire Debra for telephone consulting around the new culture that I am in. I have given myself a powerful and lasting gift by working with Debra.

Pat Nama

Professional Coach, Infinite Possibilities... stepping into choice

Endless compliments—sums it up for me! I’ve never looked better. Women see me where I was previously overlooked. Business prospects listen to me as an expert in my field — when I wasn’t taken seriously before. As Debra would say, the message, inside and out, is congruous so people trust me, I’m making more money and I can really feel the difference.
Mark Bartine

Healthcare Executive, Met Life

I thought I knew everything there was to know about clothes. And then I met Debra Cox. She showed me how limited my views were and how differently I needed to shop for work and play. Shopping has become a whole new experience.
Andrea Adler

Thanks so much for your wonderful help with my wardrobe!!! I really am so grateful — I can now go to a department store with purpose and focus without getting overwhelmed! This is huge for me. Now, instead of relying on catalog purchases that really don’t fit me all that well, I feel confident in going to a store and getting just what I need to update and refresh my look.”
Christy Reveles

Professional Coach

Debra’s services are ideal for people who want a good result without having to shop until they drop. Debra does the work and you reap the benefits! She really helped me throw out the old and bring in the new!
Paula Weiss

Healthcare Executive

I now have clarity about what works in my wardrobe and feel unburdened by all that I let go of. Thank YOU for being such a trooper and getting through all of it. I just feel sooooo much lighter. I now look at all the space in my closet and tell myself “Way to go, girl!”
Melody Eisley

Performance Artist

Thanks for our time together! You have a very refined eye, a soothing presence and a true knack for responding to my needs for efficiency!
CC Leslie

Healthcare Executive, Leslie Associates Executive Search

After losing about 30 pounds, Debra worked with me and my wardrobe to develop a more flattering and professional image which has taken the guess work out of getting dressed each morning.
Franz Freibert


I needed a warm weather wardrobe for my new life in Puerto Rico where the women dress smartly all the time. Our wardrobe and shopping time together more than fulfilled my expectations. No matter what I wear I get compliments, from friends in New York City to Puerto Rico. Everyone comments on how spiffy I look, from shoes to bags, to bras! I am thrilled about how well turned out I am and about how much I learned from Debra.
Dr. Gloria F. Waldman

Professor and journalist

Before working with Debra, my closet was so tightly packed that my clothes were wrinkled—with things I never wore! I had hand me downs, novelty items, clothes I bought when my lifestyle was very different, and every morning I looked for something that fit my body, spirit and circumstances only to pull on the same pair of jeans and shut the door in disgust.

Debra helped me purge ruthlessly, recognize what made the impression I wanted to make (and what didn’t) and maybe the best thing for me was to have less stuff but to love it more. My clothes can breathe and I feel confident when I get dressed.

Thank you Debra!

Miriam Nelson-Gillett

Personal and professional coach